NL FR EN DE Kabienen Albert Middelkerke Rates season April 7, 2025 through September 28, 2025 Rates for season 2025.There are currently 450 beach cabins available.NameFirst NameSexManWomanStreet + numberPostcode + residenceCountryBelgiumThe NetherlandsGermanyFranceLuxembourgGreat BritainOther, namely:Other country Resident Middelkerke?2nd stay in Middelkerke?Address Name bankIBANBIC E-mail addressConfirm email addressTelephone numberMobile number Choose your periodFull season - first line (closest to the sea) - March 3 to September 28 (€ 1.633,50 all-in)Full season - March 3 to September 28 (€ 1.512,00 all-in)Easter holiday - 8 days (€ 215 all-in)Easter holiday - full (€ 258 all-in)April - full month (€ 300 all-in)May - full month (€ 300 all-in)May - 1 to 15 May (€ 193 all-in)May - 16 to 31 May (€ 193 all-in)June - full month (€ 330 all-in)June - 1 to 15 June (€ 193 all-in)June - 16 to 30 June (€ 215 all-in)July - full month (€ 695 all-in)July - 1 to 15 July (€ 375 all-in)July - 16 to 31 July (€ 450 all-in)August - full month (€ 695 all-in)August - 1 to 15 August (€ 450 all-in)August - 16 to 31 August (€ 375 all-in)July/August - 16 July to 15 August (€ 845 all-in)July/August - 1 July to 31 August (€ 1.320 all-in)September - 1 to 15 September (€ 172 all-in)Per week - between 1 July and 31 August (€ 270 all-in)Per week - other periods (€ 160 all-in)PRIVATE pitch - Full season - Carlton Zone - March 3 to September 28 (€605 all-in)Previous tenantYou were already a tenant?Which year & which period?Which cab number?Place (quay number or description)You want the SAME place? Place of preferenceOther questions / comments? I agree with the privacy policy and disclaimerSend applicationPlease fill out all required fields. Message not sent (yet).Please fill out all required fields. Message not sent (yet).Please make a choice. Message not sent (yet).Please fill out all required fields. Message not sent (yet).Please fill out all required fields. Message not sent (yet).Please make a choice. Message not sent (yet).Please fill out all required fields. Message not sent (yet).Please double-check both mail addresses. Message not sent (yet).Please check your email address. Message not sent (yet).Please fill out all required fields. Message not sent (yet).Please make a choice. Message not sent (yet).Please agree with our privacy policy. Message not sent (yet).Your message has been sent! Our employees will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you for your request.Due to unforseen technical problems, your message has not been sent! Please inform us about this error via phone or email. We apologize for this inconvenience. Message not sent (yet).Add a period